History of the MSA


The Musconetcong Sewerage Authority was created to provide sewage treatment for the Boroughs of Netcong and Stanhope.

1968 (Capacity 0.50 MGD)

Secondary Sewage Treatment Plant and 36" interceptor completed. Interceptor was built with sufficient capacity for the future needs of Roxbury, Mt. Arlington, Hopatcong and Jefferson.

1976 (Capacity 1.15 MGD)

Sewage Treatment Plant was expanded and re-rated to provide additional capacity for the Boroughs of Netcong and Stanhope, the Port Morris section of Roxbury Township, and a small portion of Mt. Olive Township.

1992 (Capacity 2.275 MGD)

Replacement of the original Sewage Treatment Plant in order to meet new requirements of  the NPDES permit and allow for expansion of the service area.

 Replaced and expanded Pumping Station No. 1.

 Extension of the MSA interceptor through the Township of Roxbury

 Addition of a state of the art In-vessel Sludge Composting Facility

 Provided service to the Landing Shore Hills section of Roxbury Township, a portion of Mt. Olive Township (including the Foreign Trade Zone), a small portion of the Borough of Mt. Arlington, and a portion of Byram Township through a redistribution of flow allocation from the Borough of Stanhope.

 1996 (Capacity 3.63 MGD)

Extend interceptor to McGregor Avenue in Mt. Arlington.

Provided service for Mt. Arlington and the Budd Lake Section of Mt. Olive Township.

 Expansion of the Water Pollution Control Plant to 3.63 MGD.

 Extension of the MSA interceptor through the Borough of Mt. Arlington, and the addition of two new pumping stations.  Modification of existing Pumping Stations Nos. 2 and 3, with all transmission elements sized to handle future flows from the Township of Jefferson and the Borough of Hopatcong, where applicable.

2002 (Capacity 3.81 MGD)

Extended service area to the Route 206 corridor of Byram Twp.

 A re-rating of the current facility increased the operating capacity  by  0.180 MGD and
approval has been secured to build a 0.5 MGD expansion to accommodate Hopatcong’s phase I project. 

2005 (Capacity 4.31 MGD)

Construction was completed to expand the Treatment Plant by 0.5 MGD.  This will allow the service of  almost 3000 homes in the Borough of Hopatcong.