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Musconetcong Sewerage Authority

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Photo Tour

Tour the MSA

A photo tour of the Musconetcong Sewerage Authority

Sediment Tank
Sediment Tank
A Primary Sedimentation Tank lets smaller particles settle. Scrapers collect the solid matter that remains (called “primary sludge”) plus scum or grease floating on top of the tank for processing in our compost facility
Airation Tank
Airation Tank
An Aeration tank supplies large amounts of air to a mixture of wastewater, bacteria and other microorganisms.
Oxygen from the air speeds the growth of helpful microorganisms, which consume harmful organic matter in the wastewater.
Secondary Sediment Tank
Secondary Sediment Tank
The secondary sedimentation tank allows the microorganisms and solid wastes to form clumps and settle. Some of this mixture called “activated sludge” can be mixed with air again and reused in the aeration tank.
Ultra-Violet Disinfection Units
Ultra-Violet Disinfection Units
The Ultra-violet Disinfection units treat the water before it leaves the plant. The ultra-violet energy kills any disease-causing organisms in the water.